Eva Mendes Shares Rare Insight Into Her and Ryan Gosling's Kids' “Summer of Boredom”

Eva Mendes Shares Rare Video Taken By Her & Ryan Gosling's Kids

For Eva Mendes, this summer isn't turning out exactly how she'd planned.

The Hitch actress recently shared that despite her plans for an "easy" summer, her and Ryan Gosling's daughters Esmeralda, 8, and Amada, 7, had other ideas. 

"So this summer was supposed to be easy," Eva said on her July 5 Instagram Story, "I was like, 'Bring boredom back.'"

She continued, "But you know things happen, and the kids want to do certain classes and things. So now I am just a chauffeur. A chauffeur, a water girl. It's hot, so I bring them water."

And …

The Arctic is Heating Up, Disrupting Local Communities

Mid-September, 2022, was not a good time to be living along the Bering Coast in Western Alaska. That was the week Typhoon Merbok, a Category One storm, struck the region, packing sustained winds of 130 km/h (80 mph), causing 15 m (50 ft.) waves and inundating communities along 1,600 km (1,000 mi.) of coastline. Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy declared a state of disaster on Sept. 17, saying at the time, “The storm hitting the coastal regions of western Alaska is unprecedented.”

And indeed it was. Merbok was caused by unusually warm coastal waters in the North Pacific, part of the overall change in climate that has been affecting the Arctic region for the past 40 years. On Dec. 13, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), released its 2022 “Arcti…

People Who Think They’re Attractive Are Less Likely to Wear Masks, Study Says

Plenty of factors determine whether someone chooses to wear a mask at this stage of the pandemic: their health, their risk tolerance, where they are, who’s around them—and, according to a recent study, how attractive they think they are.

The study, which was published in January in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, found that people who think they’re attractive tend to be disinclined to wear masks. That seems to be because people who think they’re good-looking don’t believe masks enhance their appearance, while the opposite may be true for people who don’t think they’re as attractive, the researchers concludedคำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็…

A Remote Himalayan District’s High COVID-19 Vaccination Rate

On the day he was scheduled for a COVID-19 vaccination, 77-year-old Jaikishan Ram wrapped himself in a well-worn wool jacket, cap, and sweater to prepare for the three-hour trek down the mountain.

To access the main road from his home high in the Himalayan mountains of the Indian state of Uttarakhand, Ram had to first climb down a mile of steep, unpaved, sloping path. From there, it was another 90 minutes on the main road to the village of Padampuri. That’s where the only government hospital and walk-in COVID-19 vaccination center in the Dhari area—home to some 30,000 people spread across 46 villages—is located.

It was early September, and India was still recovering from a devastating second COVID-19 wave, driven primarily by the Delta variant. According to…